
Lianhe Zaobao, “设基金助农业食品业借科技转型”, 17th February 2021

The Straits Times, “New $60m fund to boost food production by harnessing tech”, 17th February 2021

Channel News Asia, “Singapore Budget 2021: Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat speaks in Parliament on Feb 16”, 16th February 2021

The Straits Times, “Budget 2021: New $60m agri-food cluster transformation fund to boost local production through technology”, 16th February 2021

World Aquaculture Society 2020 Day 3 Session 1, “Opportunities for floating closed containment systems for fish farming”, 21st December 2020

Channels News Asia, “Interest in local produce picking up amid COVID-19 pandemic”, 21st Dec 2020

The Straits Times, “First local fish farm to have own post-harvest facility, 23rd November 2020”

Lianhe Zaobao, “克服供应链不稳定 本地业者培育鲈鱼鱼苗明年设养殖场供应市场, 21st November 2020”

Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, “Opening Ceremony of Aquaculture Centre of Excellence (ACE) Nursery and Post-Harvest Facility – Ms Grace Fu”, 20th November 2020

Channel 8, “巴西立浮动鱼场 明年5月起投入运作”, 20th November 2020

Channel News Asia, “New floating farm Eco-Ark to produce 500 tonnes of fish a year”, 20th November 2020

Channel 8, “晨光|餐桌背后: 本地渔场加速科技化 应付国人海鲜需求”, 7th October 2020

MedCrave, “Opportunities for floating closed containment systems for fish farming”, 20th August 2020

The Business Times, “ASL Marine unit wins jobs for floating fish farm”, 8th July 2020

TradeWinds, “ASL Marine reels in newbuilding with move into aquaculture”, 8th July 2020

Source:[建造“环保方舟”海上养鱼 创办人望将技术推广到海外] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited.

Lianhe Zaobao, “建造“环保方舟”海上养鱼 创办人望将技术推广到海外”, 7th July 2020

E27, “How ACE aims to support Singapore’s food security goal through sustainable fish farming”, 19th June 2020

Epicure Asia, “Our Sustainability City: 5 Minutes with ACE Fish Market’s Leow Ban Tat”, 1st June 2020

CNBC, “Self-sustainability in food production even more important post-pandemic, says aquaculture CEO”, 13th May 2020

NNA Business News, “Singapore fish farming start up opens e-commerce site to serve people at home”, 1st May 2020

World Aquaculture Society, “The Singapore Aquaculture Industry – Contributing to Singapore’s Food Security”, 17th March 2020

Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, “Speech by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources at the Committee of Supply Debate”, 4th March 2020

Source:[President witnesses first harvest of offshore fish farm] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited.

The Straits Times, “President witness first harvest of offshore fish farm”, 28th February 2020

Source:[Teknologi boleh bantu S'pura hasil bekalan makanan sendiri] © Singapore Press Holdings Limited.

Berita Harian, “Teknologi boleh bantu S’pura hasil bekalan makanan sendiri”, 28th February 2020

Singapore Food Agency, “Closed containment systems an answer to rising eco threats & Singapore’s 30 by 30 goal”, 10th December 2019

Ministry of Trade and Industry, “Speech by SMS Koh Poh Koon at the Naming and Commissioning Ceremony for the Eco-Ark”, 19th November 2019

The Straits Times, “New floating closed-containment fish farm Eco-Ark can produce up to 20 times more than coastal fish farms”, 19th November 2019

Channel News Asia, “New offshore fish farm to yield up to 20 times more fish than other coastal farms”, 19th November 2019

Today Online, “New floating fish farm off Changi aims to produce more seafood than traditional coastal farms”, 19th November 2019

Money FM Podcast, “Singapore young businesses under 10: Aquaculture Centre of Excellence (ACE)”, 10th October 2019

The Business Times, “ACE reeling in growth opportunities with high-tech fish farming”, 27th September 2019

Asian Scientist, “Nuts & Bolts – Sink or swim with innovation”, 4th January 2019